Overalls – Richard Malone from Joyce Boutique, Sunglasses – Le Specs from Liger Store

攝影/Photos : Nick D for Precursorprints.com
造型/Stylee : 2 Dirty Guys
翻譯/Translation – Jose Chu

SPITGAN : 你可以向我們介紹一下自已嗎?
LULU ZHU : 你好!我是朱湉默(Lulu),今年29歲。我是個中國人,住在上海。

SG : 你的工作是什麼?
LZ : 我是一個在健身行業中的自由工作者吧!我是個健美運動員,也是個專業的健身教練。我亦有為其他健身教練授課及舉辦一些相關的研討會。當然做健美模特兒也是其中一部份吧!有時我會以健美行業中的「KOL」身份出席一些活動。我也有從澳洲引入不同的健美比賽然後轉售中國。總言之,我希望盡量用最少的功夫,做到最多能賺錢的事吧。

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SPITGAN : Name / Age / Current City / Nationality?
TIANMO ZHU : My name is Tianmo (Lulu) Zhu. I am 29, living in Shanghai, and of Chinese nationality.

SG : What do you do?
TZ : I am currently freelancing in the fitness industry. I compete as a fitness bikini athlete. I’m a certified personal trainer with 2 clients. I also give classes to other trainers, and organize fitness related seminars. Being a fitness model is also a part of it. Sometimes I attend events as a ‘fitness KOL’. I’m also running a bikini business, where I import competition bikinis from Australia and sell to China. In a word, I do whatever that makes money, and trying to make it with minimum effort.

SG : How did you discover competitive body building?
TZ : Many of my friends were competing already before I started it, so body building to me is nothing new. But I never liked the concept of ‘being judged’. I still don’t like it, but now I’m learning to deal with it.

SG : When did you start training yourself? What interested you about it?
TZ : When I started to go to the gym it was about 4 years ago. I was simply looking for somewhere to cope with the stress and empty feeling from my office life, in a healthy way. I benefited a lot from that decision. Training for competitions started last year, 3 months before my first completion. It was not until then I discovered that working out for fun and training for competitions are 2 totally different things.

SG : Are you living your dream?
TZ : Honestly, I’m that kind of person with no dream or no plan. I just go with the flow and make things happen. Of course, if they happen.

Left : Swimsuit – Lisa Marie Fernandez from Liger Store, Platforms – Carven
Right : Swimsuit – Lisa Marie Fernandez, Jean shorts – Pony Stone, both from Liger Store

SG : What is the greatest sacrifice you have made to live your dream?
TZ : The only sacrifice I can think of is probably the harm I did to my body during preparation. Sometimes I over train, and sometimes the diet was not what my body really wanted. Competition can be unhealthy, and I been working hard to avoid that.

SG : Are you a competitive person?
TZ : Yes and no. If I am not a competitive person I won’t become a athlete. Alternately, I will never push too hard. I’m more of an attention whore than a competitive person, i guess, LOL.

SG : What has been a high point so far?
TZ : Hard to say, each time is different. So far I’ve got a 3-time national champion title in China, and 2 time runner-up in Asia. Last year’s Mr. Olympia in Hong Kong was so far the most impressive event for me. I loved the atmosphere, I felt greatly respected as an athlete. I’m looking forward to things this again this year, it will be Dec 5 – 8th in HK. Hope to see you guys there.

SG : What do you hope to achieve in this sport? What will this goal require of you?
TZ : That might be the only question in this interview that I don’t have an answer to. Winning simply cannot be the only goal. I enjoy this sport meanwhile I see many with a sick mindset, they use whatever they can think of to achieve short-term benefit, and the cost they will pay for this is lifelong. Ok, so this is my answer, to enjoy it to the maximum, is my goal.

SG : Do you find it odd that most Asian people aspire to be fair skin and in your sport the ideal look is a very dark shade of skin?
TZ : During the competition a dark shade helps to show your definition, it’s temporary. In life, different skin tones reveal a different mindset and lifestyle. Personally, I have always enjoyed outdoor activities with the sun, I love my skin tone.

SG : Describe your ideal of a strong woman?
TZ : Step 1, accept who you are. Step 2, enjoy being who you are. Step 3, effect others by being who you are.

SG : One change you would make to your hometown for the better.
TZ : Only one? Well, people should care less about how successful they are and truly start to live their life.

SG : How can Hong Kong and Chinese people have better relations?
TZ : As someone from the mainland I truly understand if HK people have an attitude towards mainland tourists. I think the relations won’t get better until mainlanders start to realize how uncivilized their behavior can be. I am definitely not proud when I say that, but this is the fact. From my traveling experience, people from my country can be really embarrassing.

SG : Who would you like to work with right now?
TZ : Can I say Donald Trump? Lol, it’s funny, it’s the first name come up in my mind. My last job was a marketing and communications manager for Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry before I started my ‘bodybuilding career’. So when I saw Donald Trump got elected, that more or less remind me of my office life.

SG : Favorite Chinese hero?
TZ : Bruce Lee of course!

SG : A modern Chinese role model you admire.
TZ : I get inspired and motivated from ‘normal people’ around me doing ‘normal things’ on daily basis, they’re my role models.

SG : How is fashion a part of your life?
TZ : Depends on the definition of fashion. I never mean to dress up “fashionable”, but my way of handling life is pretty fashionable now that I think of it.

SG : If you were not a body builder you would be?
TZ : I’m still playing many roles at the same time. But I will not go back to my office job life that’s for sure.

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Top – Vetêments from Joyce Boutique, Jeans – Pony Stone, Sunglasses – Le Specs, both from Liger Store

SPITGAN : 你可以向我們介紹一下自已嗎?
LULU ZHU : 你好!我是朱湉默(Lulu),今年29歲。我是個中國人,住在上海。

SG : 你的工作是什麼?
LZ : 我是一個在健身行業中的自由工作者吧!我是個健美運動員,也是個專業的健身教練。我亦有為其他健身教練授課及舉辦一些相關的研討會。當然做健美模特兒也是其中一部份吧!有時我會以健美行業中的「KOL」身份出席一些活動。我也有從澳洲引入不同的健美比賽然後轉售中國。總言之,我希望盡量用最少的功夫,做到最多能賺錢的事吧。

SG : 你是怎樣發現健美比賽的?
LZ : 其實在我開始參加比賽之前,我身邊已經有不少朋友參加過。因此,我對健美比賽並不陌生。但其實我由此至終都不喜歡被品評的概念。不過我正學習處理這個感覺。

SG : 你是由何時開始進行訓練呢?有什麼驅使你去做?
LZ : 大約是4年前吧!那時我開始到健身室,當時我只想找一個健康的方法去應付我因工作而產生的壓力和空虛感。事實證明這個決定幫助了我很多。而真正為比賽進行的訓練則是從上年才開始的。我記得當時距離我第一個健美比賽只餘3個多月時間。直到那一刻我才發現原來普通健身和為比賽而訓練的健身完全是兩回事。

SG : 那現在你是否實現了你的理想生活?
LZ : 老實說,我是那種沒有夢想和計劃的人。我喜歡順其自然地讓事情發生。當然是如果會發生的話,哈哈!

SG : 在你實現夢想的過程中有沒有什麼犧牲了?
LZ : 我想我最大的犧牲應該是在訓練過程中對身體的傷害吧!你知道有時為了比賽,可能會過度訓練,或者節食。健美比賽可以是很不健康的!所以我也會盡量避免這些犧牲。

SG : 你覺得你是個好勝心強的人嗎?
LZ : 我會說yes and no。如果我沒有好勝心的話我不會成為一個健美選手,但是我不會給自己太大壓力。相比之下我更希望得到別人注意。

SG: 直到現時為止,什麼事是你最高的成就?
LZ : 很難說吧!每件事的性質都不同。直到現時為止我取得過3次中國全國冠軍和2次亞洲比賽中的亞軍。去年的Mr. Olympia 比賽是我至今最深刻難忘的事。我非常喜歡那種對健美選手完全尊重的氣氛。我很期待今年的Mr. Olympia賽事!12月5號到8號,希望到時會見到大家。

Left : Overalls – Richard Malone from Joyce Boutique, Necklace – Loewe, Sunglasses – Le Specs from Liger Store
Right : Pant – Celine, Necklaces – Loewe, Sneakers – Model’s own, Feiye

SG : 你在這項運動中有什麼目標嗎?而這個目標對你有沒有什麼要求?
LZ : 我想這是我唯一沒有答案的問題了!勝出比賽明顯不是我的唯一目標。我喜歡這項運動,但我同時看見不少很病態的參賽者,他們為了在短時間內達到預期的效果而不擇手段,實際上他們付出的代價是終身的。所以我的目標是去享受我所能做到的最大努力吧!

SG : 你有沒有發現一個很奇怪的現象,大部份亞洲人都渴望擁有白皙的膚色。而在健美運動中,較深暗的膚色是理想的外觀嗎?
LZ : 在比賽時,深色的皮膚或陰影的確能精準地顯示我們的成果,不過只是暫時性的。在一般生活中,我覺得不同的膚色表現出不同的心態和生活方式。對於我自己而言,因為我比較喜歡戶外活動和陽光,所以我喜歡自己現在的膚色。

SG : 你可以描述一下如何成為一個堅強的女性嗎?
LZ : 第一,接受自己;第二,享受成為自己;第三,通過自己去影響其他人。

SG : 有沒有一個改變,你覺得會讓你的家鄉變得更好?
LZ : 只得一個?嗯…我會說應該是減少留意別人活得多成功。而應該開始過真正屬於自己的生活。

SG : 你覺得如何可以讓香港人和內地人關系改善?
LZ : 作為一個內地人,我明白香港人對內地人的態度。我覺得如果內地人不明白自己的行為有多不文明的話,關系是很難改善的。這是一個我絕對不自豪的事實,但現實上從我旅行的經驗,我國家的人的確可以讓人很尷尬。

SG : 這一刻有沒有一個人你很想和他一起工作?
LZ : 我可以說是特朗普嗎?哈哈!很有趣,這個名字突然出現在我的腦海中。我最後的工作是在Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry當市場部的經理,然後就開始了我的「健美生涯」。所以當我看到他當選時,或多或少提醒了我的辦公室生活。

SG : 你最喜愛的中國英雄是?
LZ : 肯定是李小龍!

SG : 有沒有一個現代的中國人是你欣賞的好榜樣?
LZ : 我會從不同正常人在我身邊做的正常事取得靈感和刺激。他們都是我的好榜樣。

SG : 時尚如何成為你生活的一部份?
LZ : 取決於如何看待時尚吧!我從來都不喜歡打扮得十分時尚,但我覺得我處理生活的方式卻十分時尚!

SG : 如果你不從事健美行業,你覺得你會做什麼?
LZ : 我現在還有很多角色同時進行的!不過可以肯定的是我絕對不會回到我的辦公室工作。

Sunglasses – Le Specs from Liger Store, Top – Vetêments from Joyce Boutique

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