Takashi Murakami最近擔當導演,為他設計的6♥PRINCESS和化妝品品牌Shu Uemura的cross over拍攝了一段動畫短片。如果你平時從不留意化妝品廣告的話,那這個短片算是挺有看頭的。呃,如果你是男的話。看來Shu Uemura將繼續和藝術家們以各種有趣的方式合作製作廣告,這次合作算是至今最有流行文化元素的廣告了,不錯!

Takashi Murakami has directed an Anime video for his 6♥PRINCESS crossover with cosmetics brand Shu Uemura. Some enjoyable eye candy for those that usually tune out to any type of cosmetics advert. Sorry, the demographics are pretty exclusive of men here. Shu Uemura continues to find interesting ways to include artists in its advertising DNA. This is probably the most ‘pop’ one of them yet. Still a great choice!

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