誰說男生時裝千篇一律,沒有特別。這季Saint Laurent告訴大家你們的想法是錯。自Hedi Slimane入主這品牌當創意總監之後,一改Saint Laurent神秘典雅的形象,使品牌年輕化。雖然很多人都不讚成這改革,但是什麼是時裝?就是時下的裝束。一成不變只會變成沉悶乏味。看到這季Saint Laurent男裝鞋款中,可謂最突出就是這雙四輪滑冰鞋。對於實用度上,這是一群小眾的運動;但創意度上是滿分的。看到Hedi Slimane為Saint Laurent這品牌改革的決心是堅決,亦期待他改革的成果。但Hedi Slimane先生,可否率先改革的是價錢?

One of the more quirky pieces of any collection for FW13. Saint Laurent offers men (why just men?) rollerskates! 2 color ways, the one pictured, red and black, and another, predominantly white with black stripe. I don’t see why men get all the fun of styling out at the roller rink with these but thems the breaks. Girls, I guess if you can carry a man’s size they could be for you too. Paying top dollar for a pair of these? I am sure there are afficionados out there.

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