This event was a nice surprise. Rather underestimated it as I was kind of flying blind. Upon arrival I was quickly brought up to speed. It was the first street wear event of its kind in Shanghai.Thrown by YOHO group, bringing together vendors from all over the world. Lets not get it twisted, by vendors I mean some of the biggest players in the game. A lot of faces looked familiar as brands like Nike, Adidas, Stussy, Undefeated, and Clot were all there complete with their head honchos in attendance. Besides the obvious, some pleasant surprises for us included meeting the designer from Hood By Air and also seeing the Chinese booths and wares. Just the tip of the iceberg! Oh and we snapped at a few folks we thought were draped out and dripped out for the event. Check, check.

這個活動充滿著不少驚喜。YOHO集團在上海舉行首個街頭衣著大會。這不是一個隨意的活動,它帶來不少大品牌來到這次活動,如Nike, Adidas, Stussy, Undefeated, 和Clot,如此同時,這些品牌的老闆和首席設計師亦前來參與這項盛事,真的令人感到驚喜。除了看這些大人物之前,我們很高興看到即來登陸的品牌- Hood By Air 和一些中國品牌的攤位和他們的設計。在在個活動開始的時候,我們拍下一些十分有造型的朋友,讓大家看看他們精心打扮的造型。






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