Great White Shark Baring Teeth in 'Jaws,' 1975.

Great White Shark Baring Teeth in 'Jaws,' 1975.

有留意高級時裝的人,都應該知道近日的高級時裝界不斷從街頭時尚中取經,當中又以球鞋最受一眾設計師歡迎,就連一向只屬貴族及土豪的玩意──高級定制都出現天價版球鞋,有誰再敢說街頭時尚難登大雅之堂?的而且確,經過這些設計師推波助瀾,球鞋已成為了另一個生財工具。繼多個高級品牌推出球鞋系列後,又有另一個品牌加入戰團,希望在這個多肉多汁的市場中分一杯羹。是的,D olce & G abbana不是第一次推出球鞋,不過以往都是一些具有濃烈意大利土味的版本,可能近日受著其他競爭對手的影響,這對設計孖寶終於認真起來,這個全新男女球鞋系列非常有品味,並有多個顏色的選擇。球鞋終於出頭了!

You could hear it in the wind couldn’t you? The streets have taken over the runways. Sneakers in Haute Couture? Yep, Yep. This caught me by surprise though, pleasantly. Dolce & Gabbana always did some running shoes like Diesel did, but always on the Euro tip. I don’t know if they sold, they just weren’t to my tastes. These?! Hot damn. These are just the models we like. This is a full collection, don’t get it twisted. Each of the models come in a full range of stylish color ways suited to your flavor. The sneaker game is really real and its just gonna get deeper. Shotta!

Great White Shark Baring Teeth in 'Jaws,' 1975.

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