CN – Belinda Wong

這篇短稿的背后是我滿滿的牢騷--太討厭重寫了! 好,牢騷完, 回正題, 這次要介紹的是Jeremy Scott…..應該是吧? 你有沒有看今季的時裝秀? 給人一種“怪異”的新鮮感,帽子上印有黏液和一些像沼澤怪物的東西,可謂“怪”到底了。你或許會覺得Jeremy一些瘋狂和浮誇的設計過於嘩眾取寵,但是他依舊自我感覺良好。還記得幾個季度之前的那個火焰印花系列嗎? 總之,New Era再次與Jeremy聯手打造各款帽子,而其中有兩款的設計也頗為突出,尤其是那一頂皮革上飾有Anarchy字樣、黏液以及其他圖案的帽子,令人愛不釋手。還有一頂是在一種沒怎麼見過的人造纖維上印有怪物眼睛的帽子,同樣挺有新鮮感的,不妨記住吧。

Backstory to this post, I hate rewriting posts. Damnit. Anyways here goes. Jeremy Scott right? You see this season’s runway collection? It was on some ol’ Slimer, Swamp Thing, oozing monster type craft and it was fresh. You might discount Jeremy for some of the wilder design stunts you see, but he comes with it. The hot rod, flame decal collection from a few seasons ago anyone? Well here New Era gets on board. Out of the collection of hats these 2 really stand out. Especially the Anarchy decal one, on some drippy slime ish, and other symbols printed around the leather/faux leather. That’s the one, like the Golden Child. The second we like is the monster eye one on some type of synthetic material I haven’t really seen used with caps. Also fresh. Save!

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